
Rice Lake trip 2009

Jana Fialova, Ivana Odvarkova and Standa Cukor visited Rice Lake in summer 2009, ZIFA & RLIFA 15th anniversary.

Japanese week 1999

Pictures taken at japanese week in Zamberk.

Bulettin containing the schedule:

Exchange students

All former exchange students, who experienced a year studying in Rice Lake.

Nic nenalezeno.

Pictures from students

Barbora Vsetickova

My pictures from Rice Lake:

Anicka Hlavackova

My pictures from Miharu:

Nic nenalezeno.

Tomas Jukl

My pictures from Rice Lake:

Nic nenalezeno.

Kamila Siffelova

My pictures from Rice Lake:

Dasa Hegerova

My pictures from Rice Lake:

Vojta Cukor

My pictures from Rice Lake:

Nic nenalezeno.
en/photogallery.txt · Poslední úprava: 2013/05/04 00:42 (upraveno mimo DokuWiki)
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